Experience the authentic flavors of traditional cuisine with the Kalchatti from Velanstore! From sambhar to chicken curries, elevate your cooking and taste the difference with this unique cookware.
Our soapstone vessels are crafted with the highest quality stone, boasting the perfect density and structure. With a higher content of calcium and no artificial colors used, Velanstore’s hand-crafted soapstone cookware is sourced directly from the authentic traditional artisans of Tamil Nadu.
This traditional cookware seamlessly blends into modern kitchens and works efficiently on gas burners, ensuring hassle-free cooking experiences.
Rest assured, Velanstore’s soapstone utensils undergo rigorous testing in NABL accredited laboratories and comply with EU standards for the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
Choose from treated or untreated Kalchatti, according to your preference, and embark on a culinary journey rooted in tradition and authenticity with Velanstore.